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Wednesday, December 30, 2009


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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How To Play Your Games In ‘Real’ 3D (Windows)

How To Play Your Games In ‘Real’ 3D (Windows)

By Simon Slangen on Feb. 12th, 2009

play games 3dEvery gamer must’ve imagined it at one time or another – putting on a helmet and suit, and being in the game. WYSIWYG-gaming. Everything really happening. Everything truly being done by you. You’ll even experience real pain when being hit or shot.

Unfortunately we haven’t progressed that far yet. We’re steadily moving in the right direction and sooner or later we’ll get there, mark my words. I can only hope my (then) ‘old bones’ will allow me to use it when the moment has arrived.

But the time isn’t there yet, and so we just have to work with the things we have. There are a lot of great things out there if you know where to look that can approach this virtual reality gaming pretty good. We’ve got the NOVINT Falcon controller, electric shock inhibitors, and of course the great graphics of the current-gen games.

Stereoscopic Gaming

Another one of those great things is the GeForce 3D Vision. This program – that runs on Windows and NVIDIA GPUs – will allow you to play your games in 3D.

3d games windows

Not just the common 3D that we encounter in all games nowadays, mind. Do you remember those goofy 3D goggles with one eye blue/green and one eye red? Yeah, that 3D.

What Anaglyphs Are

For those of you who have never heard before of the concept of anaglyphs or stereoscopical vision, I’ll briefly explain it. If your interest is peaked, you can always Google for more information on this subject.

3d gaming software

Anaglyphs are 3D situations (defined by height, width and depth) that are put into a 2D picture (defined by height and width). They are made by merging two slightly different points of view into one image, using two superimposed color layers.

Without, they only give you headaches, but if you view these anaglyphs through anaglyph filters (a.k.a. “goofy goggles”), each eye will see only one of those layers. The brain then decodes these two separate images – like it’s doing all day long – into the 3D vision that we all know.

How To Set Up Anaglyphic Gaming

We are going to use GeForce 3D Vision, an NVIDIA application. You’ll need Windows and an NVIDIA graphical processing unit (8000 series, or later).

There are also various ATI GPUs that support stereographic gaming by default. You can search for these on Google.

The supported operating systems are Windows XP (limited to 32bit) and Windows Vista (supported by both the 32bit and the 64bit version).

1. Update Your Current Drivers

Make sure to install the latest GeForce drivers before proceeding. At the time of writing this is version 181.22

2. Install GeForce 3D Vision and Apply Registry Patch

When you’ve got your drivers up to date, download and install NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vision.

Next, we need to apply a registry patch. You can download it here (alternative link). This patch activates the output of anaglyph images.

To apply a registry patch, you just need to open the file.

3. (optional) Change The Anaglyph Filter Type

There are several different anaglyph filters. For instance, we can use the default red-cyan glasses, but also red-blue, red-green, and even yellow-blue filters exist.

To change the anaglyph filter type, we need to apply another registry patch.

To return to the default Red-Cyan filter setup, you need to download and run this registry patch (alternative link) and reinstall NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vision.

4. Activate Stereoscopic Vision

Last but not least, we need to activate the stereoscopic vision. Open the NVIDIA Control Panel, and activate it in the Stereo tab.

That’s it! You’re all set up now, and ready to begin your 3D gaming session!

The Ideal Environment

It’s best to do this is a dark room, sitting right in front of your screen. If the images don’t look right, it’s probably because you’re using too light a room, looking at your screen from too big an angle, or are using the wrong color filters.

When you’ve got it set up, let us know what you think of your new 3D gaming sessions!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

hack 5800 (fully explained)

HelloOX - Symbian Hack Method (fully working)

This method fully works on all Symbian 9.1,9.2 & 9.4 devices including Nokia N96,N78,Nokia 5800 and all others released till date

Please Note this tutorial is for Dummies who don't know much about Hacking the symbian phone.

Step 1: Getting The Certificate

First you need to goto following url:

(Website is in complete chinese so look at Screenshot below).

Enter your Phones IMEI number and enter whatever the security code is on the rightside, and Click the Button.

Now you will have to wait 24 Hours and allow the website prepare your certificate in this time.

After 24 Hours come back to this site again and enter your IMEI number and security code and press button just like you did first. Now you will see two Buttons as shown in screenshot below:

Once you see this button and click it, you will be able to download your Certficiate. (Dummies: A Certificate is like a Security Keyfile which is required to Sign an unsigned application to work on your phone).

Now make sure you have saved this Cert file on your PC. (Now save this cert file in a safe place, so whenever you install a new software application, you will need this cert file to Sign the application).

Move on to step 2.

Step 2: Hacking You Phone using HelloOX

Now download the HelloOX 1.03 from this link:

Download the PC Sign app from this link:

a) Make sure you have downloaded HelloOX1.03 file in your PC. Now use the PCSign application to Sign the unsigned "HelloOX.1.03.Unsigned". (screenshot below)

Once you have signed the HelloOx1.03 a new file e.g. HelloOX.1.03_signed_by_dify.sis will be generated in that folder.

Now install the Signed HelloOX on your phone it will take a about 1-2 mins to install. Once installed your phone is fully hacked!

Wolla! you have done it.

Step 3:

Now simply you just have to sign every application you want to install on your phone. Just run PC Sign app, browse the appilication which you want to sign, browse the cert and press Sign button.

Now a new Signed app file will appear in the folder, copy and install that file on your phone.


N-Gage Games : - All Ngage 2.0 games should work on your device.

Simply download the N-Gage installer from this link:

To download N-Gage games visit the N-Gage games section:

Credits to:
